Deltona, FL – A woman is now facing charges after stealing almost $200,000 from her grandfather over the course of two years. Deputies with the Volusia Sheriff’s Office (VSO) arrested Jena Quiles Thursday (Jan. 27) on charges of elderly exploitation after learning she stole a total of $190,291 from her 86-year-old grandfather, dipping into his bank account almost 275 times since December 2019. The investigation kicked off in December 2021 when the grandfather noticed he was missing money from his account. Records showed Quiles’ name and phone number on multiple withdrawals. He told investigators he had been helping Quiles with her education, vehicle, and insurance, but never gave her the permission to take money out of his account. Investigators were able to subpoena bank records that confirmed Quiles was the one taking money out of his account. According to an email from the VSO, Quiles feels remorse from her actions and has apologized. Regardless, she remains in jail as of Friday morning (Jan. 28) on $15,000 bond. If you believe you or someone you know is a victim of elderly exploitation, know that the State of Florida has resources available. Call the Florida Abuse Hotline 24/7 at 1-800-96-ABUSE, and press 2. Volusia County residents can contact their local law enforcement agencies, either by dialing a non-emergency line or 911 in the case of an emergency. Click here for more information on elder protection programs.

Granddaughter Steals Over $190k From Grandfather
Jan 28, 2022 | 12:17 PM